Our weed control and fertilization applications provide nutrients to your lawn in Bristow, Manassas, Haymarket, and nearby cities in Virginia.
With a nine-step lawn care program, we apply fertilizer and weed control throughout the year.

If you want a lush, green lawn, then your grass will need key nutrients in order to thrive during the growing season. To get those nutrients, your lawn requires fertilization treatments. Our nine-step lawn care program provides fertilizer applications along with weed control treatments and other services.
Our weed control and fertilization treatments are provided to residential and commercial properties throughout the areas of Bristow, Haymarket, Manassas, and the surrounding communities of Virginia.
Our 9-step lawn care program begins in early spring and ends in winter.
Starting in early spring, we begin laying the foundation your lawn will need to grow strong and healthy with a fertilizer treatment and pre-emergent crabgrass control. In late spring, we put down another fertilizer application and post-emergent crabgrass control. Throughout the summer and fall, we continue to administer fertilization and weed control. Our last treatment in winter is an application of calcitic lime.
Fertilizer is made up of key nutrients that boost your lawn's health.
In our area of Virginia including Haymarket and nearby cities, we have both cool-season and warm-season grasses, both of which require the nutrients commonly found in fertilizer such as:
- Potassium
- Nitrogen
- Phosphorus
Each nutrient has a specific function and boosts the health of your lawn in different ways. If these nutrients are imbalanced in any way, it can cause an issue with your soil. With a proper balance, they all work together to establish a strong root system, promote healthy overall growth, and provide rich, green color.
When your lawn is strong, it's better able to fight off threats such as lawn disease and insect infestations that could otherwise quickly kill your grass.
Our weed control treatments are designed to eliminate common weeds from your lawn.
Along with fertilizer, weed control applications are also a necessary component of overall lawn health. We offer weed control treatments that work to eliminate common weeds we often see in our area, including chickweed, crabgrass, nutsedge, clover, and many more.
Keeping weeds out of your lawn ensures they won't soak up the nutrients that your grass needs to grow healthy and strong. Weeds tend to grow much faster than grass, so getting them away from your lawn is vital.
If you need fertilization or weed control treatments for your residential or commercial lawn, contact us!
For almost 20 years, we've been providing quality lawn care services to residential and commercial properties throughout Bristow, Haymarket, Manassas, and neighboring communities of Virginia. If you're in need of fertilization and lawn care, we're ready to help you.
Give us a call today at (703) 244-7798! We can set up a time to evaluate your yard and give you an estimate on our services.