Grubs are the larvae of various beetles and can be a big problem for your lawn in Virginia. If you suspect that grubs have infested your turf, there are some tell-tale signs to look out for. One way to tell if your lawn has a grub problem is when it feels spongy when you walk on it and lifts up like a carpet. Another sign is when you notice irregular patches of brown grass across your lawn. An increased animal presence on your lawn could also indicate a grub infestation because animals such as raccoons and birds feed on them. If you think your lawn is infested with grubs, contact professionals immediately so they can apply curative treatments to eliminate them!

Your lawn feeling spongy when you walk on it and lifting like a carpet is a sign of a grub infestation.

One of the most noticeable indicators of a grub infestation is when your lawn feels spongy when you walk on it. This happens because grubs feed on the roots of your grass, weakening its tether to the soil. As a result, it will no longer anchor itself down, making it feel soft and spongy underfoot. When you lift up a section of your lawn, it should feel firmly rooted into the ground. However, if it lifts up like a carpet, it's likely not anchored anymore, which means the roots have been damaged or destroyed by these pests. To check whether this is indeed what happened, gently tug at an affected area. If the grass comes up easily, it's a clear indication that the roots have been compromised.

If left untreated, grub infestations can lead to extensive damage to your lawn!

Irregular Patches of Brown Grass on Your Lawn Can Indicate a Grub Infestation

Brown patch on lawn caused by grubs on a property in Bristow, VA.

If your once lush and green lawn has turned brown and patchy, it might be suffering from a grub infestation. As grubs feed on the roots of your grass, it hinders its ability to absorb nutrients and resources, causing it to die. The dead areas of grass will turn brown and become unattractive. These patches of discolored grass may appear irregularly shaped and scattered throughout your lawn. It's important to note that while brown spots can also be caused by other issues, such as drought stress and diseases, a grub infestation is one of the common culprits behind the discoloration.

An Increased Animal Presence on Your Lawn Could Be a Sign of a Grub Infestation

If you notice an unusual increase in animal activity on your lawn, it could be a sign of a grub infestation. Animals like raccoons, skunks, and birds love to feast on grubs. These critters dig holes in your lawn looking for grubs to eat, leaving unsightly paw prints and matted-down grass in their wake. If you observe more than usual wildlife on your property, it's worth investigating further to see if they are drawn to your lawn due to a grub infestation.

Contact Professionals Immediately if You Suspect a Grub Infestation

If you suspect a grub infestation on your lawn, don't wait around hoping it goes away on its own - take action! Contacting professionals who specialize in grub control is highly recommended. They will inspect your lawn thoroughly to confirm whether grubs are indeed present. Once confirmed, they will administer effective curative treatments to eradicate them. Pros will also advise you on how to care for your lawn afterward to help it recover from any damage caused by the grubs.

Call us today to schedule our grub control service!

At Patriot Lawn and Landscape, we offer a reliable grub control service to residential and commercial properties, as well as HOAs, in Bristow, Haymarket, Manassas, VA, and nearby communities. Our team utilizes top-notch products to effectively target and eliminate existing grub infestations. Give us a call today at (703) 244-7798 to schedule our grub control service.